The hungry hawk and its prey – St Catharines

The hungry hawk and its prey – St Catharines

The hungry hawk and its prey – St Catharines -
The hungry hawk and its prey – St Catharines -

It is not often one sees a hungry hawk devouring its prey close to a busy street. But on a cold afternoon, a hawk was seen eating its prey on Glendale Avenue in front of the busy Pen Centre and Pendale Plaza shopping malls in St. Catharines.

The bird ignored the noisy vehicular traffic, concentrating on devouring the prey.

The hawk was first noticed on a recycle bin in front of the Pendale Plaza.

It attracted attention because curious observers were seen taking its photograph.

The biting cold with temperature at -12 degrees Celsius up to -20 degrees was not the best to watch the activity of a hawk and its prey.

The hawk flew across the street. The hungry hawk devoured its prey in the parking lot to the surprise of shoppers getting back into their cars.

Some left while others sat in their cars to witness the appearance of the hawk in a busy human environment.

Despite the closeness of humans, the predator focused on its prey. It occasionally stared at the camera, undeterred by the presence of those taking its photograph.

There were occasions when it took a break and just looked around. It rested intermittently during the bites. A long break was taken when the hawk saw a crow in the horizon. The crow made a loud crow-call that made the hawk look upwards. The crow flapped its wings, attempted to land, but made a turn and headed in the direction of a nearby tree. It perched  on the tree looking down on the hawk.

A few seagulls also flew by. The seagulls landed, but took off seeing their specie, bloodied, in the claws of the hawk.

The hawk demonstrated no regard for its busy environment to the consternation of motorists, rubber necking to find out what the scene was all about.

The length of time spent watching the hungry hawk was unexpected. It was not envisaged that a casual encounter would result in photographing and video recording the bird for 45 minutes. A casual walk in a frigid cold resulted in 273 camera shots and 18 minutes of video recording of a hawk that chose to defy all the noise, volume of traffic, loud honk of cars, passers-by and closeness of humans taking its photograph.

At last it decided to leave. The departure was caught on camera.

A shot of the spot where the hungry hawk consumed its prey was taken to document the leftovers.

This hawk has a lot of gut.






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